My son, Yuichi, bullied and injured a boy, Takashi, who lives in the neighborhood. When her mother, Noriko (Natsuko Kayama), went to Takashi's house to apologize, Takashi tampered with Noriko's body. Noriko puts up with the behavior of her child. However, the body was filled with the pleasure of the woman who had forgotten. Then, before Noriko who visited Takashi's house again, Takashi's mother Kaoru (Chisato Shoda) who was completely controlled by her son appeared, and Noriko was trained into a nympho female pig by a distorted mother and child. was…. [Doujin] Click here for the original "Mother disqualification, me and my son's female pig cuckold revenge drama"!
URE-014 The second original Hana Hook! !! Mother disqualification Me and my son's female pig cuckold revenge drama Natsuko Kayama