Arisa (Kanna Misaki), who grew up in a single-mother family, lives with her mother, Michiko (Ayako Kano). My mother works at a supermarket cashier during the day and snacks at night to support her family budget. One day, a mother who got drunk at work came back with a man. The appearance of my mother's woman for the first time. And the existence of a man who comes into contact for the first time ... Soon my mother remarried with the man of the day, Osamu Sakai. The awkward life of three people has begun. For adolescents, the behavior of a casual father-in-law tingles the depths of the body that has begun to awaken. My heart should hate my father-in-law, but for some reason my body wants the smell of a man ...
EDRG-010 Innocent Creampie Girl ~ I Woke Up To Sex After Being Fucked By My Father-in-law ~ Kanna Misaki