The 4th installment of the popular Honnaka Date Series is...exclusive Miyagi Rie! Even though his beloved girlfriend is off work, he starts a date with a junior who he used to be close to, whispering intimately and trying to hold back his erection! "I love you, senpai," she whispers, kissing him boldly even outdoors. Even though they're just a senior and junior, she seduces and brainwashes him with sweet words, and then they go to a hotel... After they've both held back, they have sex with intense piston-like thrusts and continuous creampies! After sex, the second round of a night-time date to hold back his erection begins, but with her breasts pressed against him and her nipples teased and endless kisses, he ends up getting an erection in public, despite the emptiness...
HMN-572 If your dick gets hard, let's go to the hotel. My beloved girlfriend is off work, but a girl who wants to be my sex friend invites me out on an outdoor date, and when I get an erection, I lose the love hotel game and end up cumming inside her