Celebrating the first anniversary of Hayama Sayuri's debut, this is her first live-action collaboration with Haiji's "Incestuous Temptation: Mommy Edition," a highly popular incest-themed novel! A mother, Mari, is discovered by a man who has attempted an affair, and is forced into a relationship with her son, Minoru, using that as an excuse. The son, who is right in front of her, does not realize that the woman is his mother, and passionately devours Mari's voluptuous body... Mari, feeling guilty, is immersed in an affair with her beloved son. However, she does not know that it was her "son" who set this up...
[CHINESE-SUBTITLE] URE-106 Celebrating!! Sayuri Hayama's 1st anniversary of debut!! Mature Comics collaboration!! Original work: Haiji Kinjou Yuuwaku Mama Hen