This is the fifth installment in a series in which a young Japanese-clad wife who obeys her master's desires is tied up and trained as a sex slave. This time the slave is Shiho-san. In the first section, a perverted slave is entertained with a quick blowjob. Her upper body is tied up with rope and a dick is thrust deep into her throat. In the second section, a submissive woman is made to do whatever she is told. She is water-tortured to the point of suffocation and her mature pussy is violated. In the third section, she is trained to continuous orgasms through bondage. With her whole body restrained, her pussy is violently assaulted with an extra-thick vibrator and she is forced to give a deep throat blowjob and cums on her face. In the fourth section, a Japanese-clad slave awakens. She has rope tied around her wrists and two men thrust their penises into her squirting pussy, making her convulse and writhe in agony.
PWD-005 Young wife slave Nadeshiko A modest Japanese-dressed beauty is punished and violated in place of her husband Shiho
4 Jan, 2013